Your trusted partner for all things denture-related

My goal is to provide you with a high quality, natural looking set of teeth that feel comfortable and restore your ability to eat and speak!

David Dixon

Owner and Principal Prosthetist

Meet David Dixon

David graduated at the top of his class in Dental Technology at Griffith University Gold Coast in 2007. He then worked for a high-quality dental laboratory while completing his Masters of Oral Health in Dental Prosthetics.  This further qualification allows him to be able to see his own private patients. 

Following graduation, he was offered a job at Griffith University as a laboratory supervisor and lecturer.  He taught the dental students how to make full dentures, partial dentures, splints, mouthguards, whitening trays, crowns, bridges and much more.

In 2011 David started working for a private practice in Indooroopilly where he closely worked with dentists and specialist prosthodontists constructing implant retained dentures and prosthesis’ before deciding to focus solely on his Mobile Prosthetic business. 


  • Bachelor of Oral Health in Dental Technology

  • Masters of Oral Health in Dental Prosthetics

Professional Memberships

  • registered Dental Prosthetist with AHPRA

  • Member with the Australian Dental Prosthetic Association


  • reading the latest journal articles on evidence-based treatments

  • making the most aesthetic and natural full dentures

  • the effect of denture design on speech

A set of teeth that will make you want to smile!

If you like the way you look when you smile, you will feel more confident, you will stand up taller, and you may even look and feel younger! No more hiding away from the camera at functions, or at parties, you will forever more want to be FRONT AND CENTRE.

Hear from smiling customers