We offer everything from full dentures to protective mouthguards

Experience our comprehensive range of services, catering to all your dental needs. Whether you require new dentures, emergency repair, or reliable protection during sports activities, we have you covered.

Our mobile prosthetist services

With a focus on personalised care and attention to detail, I strive to deliver exceptional services. I am dedicated to providing you with the highest level of dental care, ensuring your comfort, satisfaction, and overall oral health.

Set of dentures


  • Full dentures (also called complete dentures) are removable restorations. They replace all the teeth in an edentulous jaw, mainly using prefabricated acrylic denture teeth and less commonly made from porcelain. The denture base in the upper and lower jaw is generally made from acrylic (e.g. acrylates); in cases with particular requirements the hard palate of the upper jaw is covered by a metal palatal plate. There is no alternative restoration to full dentures without involving implants.

  • A dental appliance that replaces one or more missing teeth, receiving support and retention from underlying tissues and some or all of the remaining teeth. Cobalt Chrome partial dentures are a longer lasting, stronger, thinner, more comfortable version of the acrylic partial denture. Often this type of denture covers less of the mouth and are the most superior of all the partial denture options.

  • A dental appliance that replaces one or more missing teeth, receiving support and retention from underlying tissues and some or all of the remaining teeth. Acrylic partial dentures are usually a low cost/temporary solution prior to changing to a more permanent and comfortable Chrome/metal partial denture.

  • Valplast flexible dentures are the most aesthetic type of partial denture that is available. These are metal-free, flexible and can be designed to be almost invisible to onlookers. Often these have clear or pink or tooth coloured clasps that blend in with the colours of the teeth/soft tissues.

  • An immediate denture is a complete or partial denture constructed or insertion immediately following the removal of natural teeth. Immediate dentures allow you to leave the dental practise with teeth rather than a gap where the tooth/teeth have been extracted. These are also often referred to as temporary dentures or transitional dentures. These dentures usually require relining during the first 6-12 months due to the change in shape of the bone after healing. Most immediate dentures are completely remade 1-2 years.

  • Sometimes patients don’t want the bulk of replacing all the missing teeth in their mouth, and just want some teeth to fill the gaps at the front so that they can smile for pictures.

cracked dentures

Repairs & modifications

  • Tooth fallen or broken off, chipped denture tooth, wire clasp snapped, hairline cracks, acrylic section broken or denture broken in half. Most of these issues can be fixed in a timely manner

  • In the unfortunate event that a natural tooth has broken or an extraction has taken place after a denture has been completed. Teeth can still be added to the denture.

  • All metals will eventually break from constant bending. Wire clasps can be replaced, and extra clasps can sometimes be added to make partial dentures more stable.

  • When the metal framework is still fitting nicely and in good condition, but the teeth have worn down from use. These teeth can be stripped off the denture and replaced with fresh sharper teeth to bring them back to their original condition.

  • Overtime the gums and bone in the mouth does change. The upper and the lower bone resorbs and this affects the fit of the denture. Loss of weight can also cause your dentures to become loose. Using your current denture for an impression tray, we can fill up the gaps between your gums and your denture with fresh acrylic and refit your favourite dentures to your mouth.

  • Any modification to the denture, this could include extensive thinning of the palate (roof of the mouth)/lingual (tongue side) of the lower denture. This could be removing acrylic behind the lower front teeth and adding a thinner stronger bar, making the denture less cumbersome. Adding root eminence to the denture (this makes them look more natural). Staining, or even adding stainless steel crowns to the denture, or amalgam fillings, or different coloured tooth coloured acrylics to make them look as real as possible. Gold bits can also be added to denture teeth.

  • Plaque, calculus and stains can build up on dentures just like natural teeth. Giving the dentures a professional clean and polish removes all the build-up and leave the dentures looking shiny and new. The dentures are also disinfected and given a good anti-bacterial treatment before they are returned.

Emergency repair of dentures

Emergency services

  • Emergencies do happen, and it always happens at the most inconvenient moment. We’ll get it fixed so that your back smiling again!

  • A quick fix for those photos/events that are needed in a hurry, before a more permanent solution can be fabricated.


Mouthguards & more

  • A must have when playing sports. Especially contact sports. A cushioning layer that fits over your teeth which spreads the load preventing one tooth from taking all the impact. A well fitting mouthguard should stay in the mouth, should not interfere with breathing or speech and may even prevent breakage of the jaw.

  • These are appliances prevent your teeth from “locking into” your bite, preventing the cusps from cracking or front teeth from chipping. These are also recommended if you clench your teeth. Grinding appliances can be worn during the day or just at night.

  • These are a thin plastic layer that go over your teeth after having orthodontic treatment. These help keep your teeth nice and straight preventing them from moving back to unfavourable positions.

  • Soft flexible plastic layer that goes over your teeth with wells for medicament. Usually tooth mousse, tooth whitening gel/hydrogen peroxide gel, or fluoride gel.

  • Because who wouldn’t like their teeth to look like Shrek, Austin Powers, a vampire, orc, werewolf, the mask, 50Cent, Katy Perry or Beyonce.

Take the first step towards a confident smile!

Contact David, our skilled dental prosthetist, to schedule your personalised consultation.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The best way to keep your dentures clean is to first remove them from your mouth and brush them using a soft bristle toothbrush and the cheapest hand soap or dish washing detergent liquid you can find. NO TOOTHPASTE! Toothpaste is abrasive and will take the shine off your new dentures which allows more staining, plaque and bacteria to accumulate on the denture base and around the denture teeth.

    While your dentures have been removed from your mouth, continue to brush your natural teeth with toothpaste and then spit but do not rinse. Rinsing your mouth removes all those good minerals and fluoride that will protect your natural teeth.

    I usually recommend my patients:

    • soak their dentures in 50/50 white vinegar and water (just enough to submerge the dentures) for 3 nights,

    • soak their dentures in water and bi-carb soda (1 - 2 tablespoons) for the next 3 nights,

    • then for the final night of the week, leave their dentures in the bedside table drawer to dry out completely.

  • The jury is still out on this one. Usually I recommend that my patients remove their dentures when they go to sleep, just like you don't go to sleep with your shoes on, you shouldn't go to sleep with your teeth in. This allows the tissues to breathe, and heal any sore spots/ulcers that may have appeared during the day. The compression of the gums by the dentures also restrict blood flow to your palate and soft tissues, so taking them out also improves blood flow and promotes good gum health and reduces the bacterial count.

    HOWEVER, there has been research lately that recommends that patients sleep with their teeth in. The reason behind this is that it keeps the muscles and temporal mandibular joints (TMJ) in a more relaxed position, as would normally be the case if the patient still had their natural teeth.

  • Over time the gums, and bone in your mouth do shrink and change. This means that the longer you keep your dentures the more loose they may become. Depending on the age of the denture and the amount of wear that is on the denture teeth. Sometimes a reline is what is required.

  • A reline is where the current denture that you have is refitted to your gums. Everything stays the same, the position of the teeth, the bite, the colour of the teeth, the shape of the teeth even the amount of teeth that you normally show when you smile. The only thing changes is the underside (fitting surface) of your denture.

Dental prosthetist explaining x-ray